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Using the FL Studio Python API Stubs as a library

This documentation can be accessed from your development environment by installing it as a Python package. Doing this will allow your IDE to provide inline documentation for all of FL Studio's documentation, as well as allowing your projects to be statically analyzed using type-checking tools such as mypy.

Installing the library


  1. Install Python from

  2. Install the FL Studio API Stubs by running pip install fl-studio-api-stubs


  1. Ensure you have the Pip package manager installed by running python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

  2. Install the FL Studio API Stubs by running pip3 install fl-studio-api-stubs

Project dependency management

If you work on other Python projects, it could be worthwhile using a project dependency manager such as Poetry or Hatch. This will ensure that your project's dependencies don't conflict with your other work.

Using a virtual environment will also work, but is comparatively simplistic, and may cause issues if used for more complex projects.

Getting inline suggestions with VS Code

  1. Open your project folder in VS Code.
  2. Select the Python environment (venv, Poetry environment, etc) in which you installed fl-studio-api-stubs. If you're unsure, skip this step.
  3. Any imports from modules provided by the API stubs will have full documentation and type definitions.

Type safety using mypy

Mypy is a static analysis tool that can detect type safety issues such as incorrect function calls. The FL Studio API Stubs support mypy out-of-the-box, but to get the highest level of type safety, you may need to configure your project.

It is recommended to tell mypy to check untyped functions. This way, you it can check for incorrect calls to API functions. To do this, create a mypy.ini file within your project directory with these contents.

check_untyped_defs = True

After installing mypy (pip install mypy on Windows, pip3 install mypy on MacOS), Mypy will be able to check your project. You can then type check your project by running mypy . in your project directory.

Type checking .pyscript files

By default, mypy won't perform type-checking on files with the .pyscript files. To get type checking on these, you can add this line to your mypy.ini:

files = **/*.py, **/*.pyscript

This will make mypy check all files ending with .py and .pyscript. Note that if there are files you don't want to include, you may need to modify the glob patterns as required.