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Function definitions for triggering and managing notes on channels.


    indexGlobal: int,
    note: int,
    velocity: int,
    channel: int = -1,
) -> None

Set a MIDI Note for the channel at indexGlobal (not respecting groups).

This can be used to create extra notes (eg mapping one note to a chord).

Note that triggering notes using this function rather than allowing FL Studio to process them may result in users' manual note mappings won't be respected. Developers should be sure to check channels.getChannelMidiInPort() on all channels to ensure that no channels receive MIDI events from this script.


  • Specifying a channel doesn't appear to do anything.


  • indexGlobal (int): channel index (not respecting groups).

  • note (int): note number (0-127).

  • velocity (int): note velocity (1-127, 0 is note off).

  • channel (int, optional): MIDI channel to use. Defaults to -1, for the user's selected channel. Note that this option only takes effect if the target channel has its MIDI channel through option enabled.


Play a C major chord in the first instrument

import channels


channels.midiNoteOn(0, MIDDLE_C, 100)
channels.midiNoteOn(0, MIDDLE_C + 4, 100)
channels.midiNoteOn(0, MIDDLE_C + 4 + 3, 100)

Stop the infinitely long notes from the previous example

import channels


# A velocity of zero is considered a note off
channels.midiNoteOn(0, MIDDLE_C, 0)
channels.midiNoteOn(0, MIDDLE_C + 4, 0)
channels.midiNoteOn(0, MIDDLE_C + 4 + 3, 0)

Included since API version 1.


    index: int,
    startOnly: int = 1,
    useGlobalIndex: bool = False,
) -> None

Perform a quick quantize operation on the channel at index


  • index (int): channel index, respecting groups

  • startOnly (int, optional): ???. Defaults to 1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when quantizing notes on the channel.

Included since API Version 9.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.