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Function definitions for managing channel properties.


Make all of the selected channels purple

import channels

for i in range(channels.channelCount()):
    if channels.isChannelSelected(i):
        channels.setChannelColor(i, 0x9648aa)


selectedChannel(canBeNone: bool = False, offset: int = 0, indexGlobal: bool = False) -> int

Returns the index of the first selected channel, otherwise the nth selected channel where n is offset + 1. If n is greater than the number of selected channels, the global index of the last selected channel will be returned. If indexGlobal is set to 1, this will replicate the behavior of channels.channelNumber() by returning global indexes.


  • This function replaces the functionality of channelNumber() entirely, with the added functionality of providing indexes respecting groups (when indexGlobal is not set).


  • canBeNone (bool, optional): Whether the function will return -1 or 0 when there is no selection. Defaults to False (returning 0).

  • offset (int, optional): return other selected channels after offset. Defaults to 0.

  • indexGlobal (bool, optional): Whether to return the group index (False) or the global index (True).


  • int: index of first selected channel.

Included since API version 5


channelNumber(canBeNone: bool = False, offset: int = 0) -> int

Returns the global index of the first selected channel, otherwise the nth selected channel where n is offset + 1. If n is greater than the number of selected channels, the global index of the last selected channel will be returned.

If canBeNone is 1, no selection will return -1. Otherwise, no selection will return 0 (representing the first channel).


  • canBeNone (bool, optional): Whether the function will return -1 or 0 when there is no selection. Defaults to False (returning 0).

  • offset (int, optional): return other selected channels after offset. Defaults to 0.


  • int: global index of first selected channel.

Included since API version 1.


channelCount(globalCount: bool = False) -> int

Returns the number of channels on the channel rack. Respect for groups is controlled by the mode flag.


  • globalCount (bool, optional): Whether the number of channels should be global. Defaults to False (groups respected).


  • int: number of channels.

Included since API version 1. (updated with optional parameter in API version 3).


getChannelName(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> str

Returns the name of the channel at index.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when getting the channel name.


  • str: channel name.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setChannelName(index: int, name: str, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the name of the channel at index.

If a channel's name is set to "", its name will be set to the default name of the plugin or sample.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • name (str): new name for channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when setting the channel name.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getChannelColor(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns the color of the channel at index.

Note that colors can be split into or built from components using the functions provided in the utils module.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when getting the channel color.


  • int: channel color (0x--BBGGRR).

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setChannelColor(index: int, color: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the color of the channel at index.

Note that colors can be split into or built from components using the functions provided in the utils module.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • color (int): new color for channel (0x--BBGGRR).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when setting the channel color.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


isChannelMuted(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> bool

Returns whether channel is muted (True) or not (False).


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when getting the channel's mute status.


  • bool: mute status.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


muteChannel(index: int, value: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Toggles the mute state of the channel at index.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • value (int, optional): new value for mute state.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when muting channel.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


isChannelSolo(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> bool

Returns whether channel is solo (True) or not (False).


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when getting channel solo status.


  • bool: solo status.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


soloChannel(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Toggles the solo state of the channel at index.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when soloing channel.

Included since API version 1

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getChannelVolume(index: int, mode: bool = False, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> float

Returns the normalized volume of the channel at index, where 0.0 is the minimum value, and 1.0 is the maximum value. Note that the default volume for channels is defined in midi.ChannelDefaultVolume.

By setting the mode flag to True, the volume is returned in decibels.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • mode (int, optional): whether to return as a float between 0 and 1 (False) or a value in dB (True). Defaults to False.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when getting channel volume.


  • float: channel volume.

Included since API version 1

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setChannelVolume(index: int, volume: float, pickupMode: int = midi.PIM_None, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the normalized volume of the channel at index, where 0.0 is the minimum value, and 1.0 is the maximum value. Note that the default volume for channels is defined in midi.ChannelDefaultVolume. Use the pickup mode flag to set pickup options.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • volume (float): channel volume.

  • pickupMode (int, optional): define the pickup behavior. Refer to the pickup modes documentation.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when setting channel volume.

Included since API version 1

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getChannelPan(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> float

Returns the normalized pan of the channel at index, where -1.0 is 100% left, and 1.0 is 100% right. Note that the default pan for channels is 0.0 (centered).


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when getting channel pan.


  • float: channel pan.

Included since API version 1

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setChannelPan(index: int, pan: float, pickupMode: int = midi.PIM_None, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the normalized pan of the channel at index, where -1.0 is 100% left, and 1.0 is 100% right. Note that the default pan for channels is 0.0 (centered). Use the pickup mode flag to set pickup options.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • pan (float): channel pan.

  • pickupMode (int, optional): define the pickup behavior. Refer to the pickup modes documentation.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when setting channel pan.

Included since API version 1

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getChannelPitch(index: int, mode: int = 0, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> float | int

Returns the current pitch bend (or range) of the channel at index. The mode parameter is used to determine the type of pitch returned.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • mode (int, optional):

    • 0 (default): return the current pitch bend as a factor of the current range (usually -1.0 to 1.0). Larger values might be reached if the pitch is automated with events, for example.

    • 1: return the current pitch offset in cents.

      • BUG: Official API docs incorrectly state "semitones".
    • 2: return the current pitch range in semitones.

      • BUG: This is not guaranteed to be correct. For more information, see setChannelPitch on modifying the pitch range of a channel.
  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when getting channel pitch.


  • float: channel pitch (when mode is 0).

  • int: channel pitch range (when mode is 1 or 2).

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setChannelPitch(index: int, value: float, mode: int = 0, pickupMode: int = midi.PIM_None, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the pitch of the channel at index to value. The mode parameter is used to determine the type of pitch set. Use the pickup mode flag to set pickup options. The final pitch will be clamped to the current pitch range.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • value (float): value to set.

  • mode (int, optional):

    • 0 (default): set pitch as a factor of the current pitch bend range (between [-1.0, 1.0]).

    • 1: set pitch in cents.

    • 2: UTTERLY BROKEN. Set the pitch range in semitones.

      BUG: This only affects the range reported by getChannelPitch. This will desynchronize the reported range from what is visible in the UI.

  • pickupMode (int, optional): define the pickup behavior. Refer to the pickup modes documentation.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when setting channel pitch.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getChannelType(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns the type of instrument loaded into the channel rack at index.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when querying channel type.


Included since API Version 19.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


isChannelSelected(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> bool

Returns whether the channel at index is selected.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • bool: whether the channel is selected.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


selectOneChannel(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Exclusively select the channel at index (deselecting any other selected channels).

Using global indexes to select a channel outside of the current group deselects all channels.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when selecting channels.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


selectChannel(index: int, value: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Select the channel at index (respecting groups).

Using global indexes to select a channel outside of the current group has no effect.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • value (int, optional): Whether to select or deselect the channel.

    • -1 (default): Toggle

    • 0 : Deselect

    • 1: Select

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when selecting channels.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


selectAll() -> None

Selects all channels in the current channel group.

Included since API version 1.


deselectAll() -> None

Deselects all channels in the current channel group.

Included since API version 1.


getChannelMidiInPort(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns the MIDI-in port associated with the channel at index.

Channel MIDI-in ports can be used to send data directly to channels. Although channels are unassigned by default, a user can configure plugins to receive MIDI on a certain channel which can unlock many useful plugin-specific features.

Note that triggering notes using channels.midiNoteOn means that this functionality may be lost, so developers should take care to ensure that getChannelMidiInPort is checked to ensure that scripts don't inadvertently override this behavior.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index when querying channel MIDI-in port.


  • int: MIDI port associated with channel.

  • -3: Channel receiving notes from touch keyboard.

  • -2: Channel not assigned to a MIDI port.

  • -1: Channel receiving notes from typing keyboard.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getChannelIndex(index: int) -> int

Returns the global index of a channel given the group index.


  • index (int): index of channel (respecting groups).


  • int: global index of channel.

Included since API version 1.


getTargetFxTrack(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns the mixer track that the channel at index is linked to.


  • index (int): index of channel.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • int: index of targeted mixer track.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setTargetFxTrack(channelIndex: int, mixerIndex: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the mixer track that the channel at index is linked to.


  • channelIndex (int): index of channel to link from.

  • mixerIndex (int): index of mixer track to link to.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getRecEventId(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Return the starting point of REC event IDs for the channel at index.

See the event mapping tutorial. for more information on REC events.


  • index (int): channel index

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • int: REC event ID offset for accessing midi.REC_Chan_* parameters

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


incEventValue(eventId: int, step: int, res: float = 1 / 24) -> int

Get event value increased by step.

This can be used to map encoder-style controls to events, by allowing them to adjust a parameter using a delta value.

Use result as new value in general.processRECEvent().

Example usage

# Increases the volume of channel 0 by a small delta of 1
delta = 1
# Calculate the event ID for the volume of channel 0
event_id = midi.REC_Chan_Vol + channels.getRecEventId(0)
# Get the value adjusted by the delta
new_value = channels.incEventValue(event_id, delta)
# Process the new value
general.processRECEvent(event_id, new_value, midi.REC_UpdateValue | midi.REC_UpdateControl)


  • eventId (int): event ID (see the event mapping tutorial).

  • step (int): delta value for the event.

  • res (float, optional): increment resolution, used as a multiplier to ensure that encoders are responsive. Defaults to 1/24.


Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


processRECEvent(eventId: int, value: int, flags: int) -> int

Processes a recording event.


Included since API version 1.

Deprecated since API version 7.