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Function definitions for interacting with the step sequencer.


Count the number of active steps on the first channel:

import channels

count = 0
# Assuming pattern length of 16 steps
for i in range(16):
    if channels.getGridBit(0, i):
        count += 1
print(f"There are {count} steps active")

Make a basic rock beat in the step sequencer:

import channels

def fill_channel(idx: int, interval: int, offset: int):
    for i in range(16):
        if (i - offset) % interval == 0:
            channels.setGridBit(idx, i, True)

# Kick
fill_channel(0, 4, 0)
# Clap
fill_channel(1, 8, 4)
# Hi-hat
fill_channel(2, 2, 0)
# Snare
fill_channel(3, 8, 4)


getGridBit(index: int, position: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> bool

Returns whether the grid bit on channel at index in position is set.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • position (int): index of grid bit (horizontal axis).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • bool: whether grid bit is set.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getGridBitWithLoop(index: int, position: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> bool

Get value of grid bit on channel index in position accounting for loops.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • position (int): position on grid (horizontal axis).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • bool: whether grid bit is set.

Included since API version 1.

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setGridBit(index: int, position: int, value: bool, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the value of the grid bit on channel at index in position.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • position (int): index of grid bit (horizontal axis).

  • value (bool): whether grid bit is set (True) or not (False).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.

Included since API version 1

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


isGridBitAssigned(index: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> bool

Returns True when the grid bit at index is assigned.


What does it mean for a grid bit to be assigned?


  • index (int): channel index.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • bool: whether the grid bit is assigned.

Included since API Version 1


getStepParam(step: int, param: int, offset: int, startPos: int, padsStride: int = 16, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Get the values of properties associated with a step in the step sequencer. This provides an interface to access the graph editor.


  • step (int): step (grid bit index) to get parameter for.

  • param (int): one of the parameter types (see below).

  • offset (int): ???

  • startPos (int): ????

  • padsStride (int, optional): ?????. Defaults to 16.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • int: value for step parameter.

See also

Step parameter types

  • 0: Note pitch (MIDI note number, default 60 for middle C)
  • 1: Velocity (0 - 127, default 100)
  • 2: Release velocity (0 - 127, default 64)
  • 3: Fine pitch (in cents: 0 - 240, with default 120 for no tuning)
  • 4: Panning (0 - 127, with default 64 for centered)
  • 5: Mod X (0-127, with default 64 for midpoint)
  • 6: Mod Y (0-127, with default 64 for midpoint)
  • 7: Number of ticks to offset the note by (0 - PPQN / 4; , with default 0 for no shifting)

Included since API version 1.


getCurrentStepParam(index: int, step: int, param: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Get current step parameter for channel at index and for step at step.



  • index (int): channel index.

  • step (int): step (grid bit index) to get parameter for.

  • param (int): one of the parameter types (see below).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use the global channel index.


  • int: value for step parameter.

Step parameter types

  • 0: Note pitch (MIDI note number, default 60 for middle C)
  • 1: Velocity (0 - 127, default 100)
  • 2: Release velocity (0 - 127, default 64)
  • 3: Fine pitch (in cents: 0 - 240, with default 120 for no tuning)
  • 4: Panning (0 - 127, with default 64 for centered)
  • 5: Mod X (0-127, with default 64 for midpoint)
  • 6: Mod Y (0-127, with default 64 for midpoint)
  • 7: Number of ticks to offset the note by (0 - PPQN / 4; , with default 0 for no shifting)

Included since API version 1

API Changes

  • v33: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setStepParameterByIndex(index: int, patNum: int, step: int, param: int, value: int, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Set the value of a step parameter at the given location.


  • index (int): channel index.

  • patNum (int): pattern number to set step parameter on (1-indexed).

  • step (int): step index.

  • param (int): step parameter to set (see below).

  • value (int): value to set parameter to.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use a global index for the channel. Defaults to False.

Step parameter types

  • 0: Note pitch (MIDI note number, default 60 for middle C)
  • 1: Velocity (0 - 127, default 100)
  • 2: Release velocity (0 - 127, default 64)
  • 3: Fine pitch (in cents: 0 - 240, with default 120 for no tuning)
  • 4: Panning (0 - 127, with default 64 for centered)
  • 5: Mod X (0-127, with default 64 for midpoint)
  • 6: Mod Y (0-127, with default 64 for midpoint)
  • 7: Number of ticks to offset the note by (0 - PPQN / 4; , with default 0 for no shifting)

Included since API Version 1.


updateGraphEditor() -> None



  • This function has no official documentation

Included since API Version 20?


closeGraphEditor(index: int) -> None



  • This function has no official documentation

Included since API Version 33?