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Functions for managing undo/redo actions.


    undoName: str, flags: int, update: bool = True
) -> None

Save an undo point into FL Studio's history.


  • undoName (str): a descriptive name for the undo point.

  • flags (int): Any combination of the following flags, combined using the logical or (|) operator:

    • UF_None (0): No flags

    • UF_EE (1): Changes in event editor

    • UF_PR (2): Changes in piano roll

    • UF_PL (4): Changes in playlist

    • UF_KNOB (32): Changes to an automated control

    • UF_AudioRec (256): Audio recording

    • UF_AutoClip (512): Automation clip

    • UF_PRMarker (1024): Piano roll (pattern) marker

    • UF_PLMarker (2048): Playlist marker

    • UF_Plugin (4096): Plugin

    • UF_SSLooping (8192): Step sequencer looping

    • UF_Reset (65536): Reset undo history

  • update (int, optional): ???. Defaults to 1.

Included since API version 1.


undo() -> int

Perform an undo toggle, much like pressing Ctrl+Z. If the position in the undo history is at the most recent, it will undo, otherwise, it will redo.


  • int: ???

Included since API version 1.


undoUp() -> int

Move up in the undo history. This is much like undo in most programs.

Note that in FL Studio 21, the ordering of the undo history was changed, so visually this actually moves down.


  • int: ?

Included since API version 1


undoDown() -> int

Move down in the undo history. This is much like redo in most programs.

Note that in FL Studio 21, the ordering of the undo history was changed, so visually this actually moves up.


  • int: ?

Included since API version 1.


undoUpDown(value: int) -> int

Move in the undo history by delta value.


  • value (int): amount to undo or redo (positive is redo, negative is undo).


  • int: ?

Included since API version 1.


restoreUndo() -> int

Undo-redo toggle. This behaves in the same way as undo().


  • int: ?

Included since API version 1.

Deprecated since API version 1.


restoreUndoLevel(level: int) -> int

Undo-redo toggle. This behaves in the same way as undo().


  • level (int): this parameter is ignored.


  • int: ?

Included since API version 1.


getUndoLevelHint() -> str

Returns a fraction-like string that shows the position in the undo history as well as the total length of it.


  • str: fraction-like string:

    • numerator: position in history (1 is most recent).

    • denominator: number of elements in history.

Included since API version 1.


getUndoHistoryPos() -> int

Returns the length of the undo history.


  • This seems to behave the same as getUndoHistoryCount(). What's the difference?


  • int: number of elements in undo history.

Included since API version 1.


getUndoHistoryCount() -> int

Returns the total number of items that have ever been added to the undo history including items that have been trimmed by setUndoHistoryPos(), but not items that have been trimmed by setUndoHistoryCount().


  • int: number of elements in undo history.

Included since API version 1.


getUndoHistoryLast() -> int

Returns the current position in the undo history. The most recent position is 0, with earlier points in the history having higher indexes.


  • int: position in undo history.

Included since API version 1.


setUndoHistoryPos(index: int) -> None

Removes recent elements from the undo history, leaving only the earliest n = index elements in the history.

This will affect the length of the undo history as per getUndoHistoryPos(), but not affect it as per getUndoHistoryCount().

This will not actually undo the actions, just remove them from the undo history. It could be useful for grouping multiple undo items into one.

Known issues

  • The browser will not refresh when this action is performed, meaning the UI may not be updated.


  • index (int): number of elements to leave at the start of the history.

Included since API version 1.


setUndoHistoryCount(value: int) -> None

Removes old elements from the undo history, leaving only the latest n = index elements.

This will affect the length of the undo history as per getUndoHistoryCount(), but not affect it as per getUndoHistoryPos().

Known issues

  • The browser will not refresh when this action.


  • value (int): number of elements to leave at the end of the history.

Included since API version 1.


setUndoHistoryLast(index: int) -> None

Sets the position in the undo history, where index = 0 is the most recent element and earlier points have higher indexes.


  • index (int): new position in undo history.

Included since API version 1.