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Channel properties

The following events can be used to access properties of channels by combining them with the return value of channels.getRecEventId().

import channels
import general
import midi

# Create event ID to target channel 1's channel pitch
event_id = channels.getRecEventId(1) + midi.REC_Chan_Pitch

# Process the event to set the channel pitch to the minimum value (likely -200
# cents)
general.processRECEvent(event_id, 0, midi.REC_MIDIController)

REC_Chan_Vol module-attribute

REC_Chan_Vol = REC_Chan_First

Event ID offset for channel volume.

REC_Chan_Pan module-attribute

REC_Chan_Pan = REC_Chan_First + 1

Event ID offset for channel pan.

REC_Chan_FCut module-attribute

REC_Chan_FCut = REC_Chan_First + 2

Event ID offset for channel filter cutoff.

REC_Chan_FRes module-attribute

REC_Chan_FRes = REC_Chan_First + 3

Event ID offset for channel filter resonance.

REC_Chan_Pitch module-attribute

REC_Chan_Pitch = REC_Chan_First + 4

Event ID offset for channel pitch.

REC_Chan_FType module-attribute

REC_Chan_FType = REC_Chan_First + 5

Event ID offset for channel filter type.

REC_Chan_PortaTime module-attribute

REC_Chan_PortaTime = REC_Chan_First + 6

Event ID offset for channel portamento time.

REC_Chan_Mute module-attribute

REC_Chan_Mute = REC_Chan_First + 7

Event ID offset for channel mute.

REC_Chan_FXTrack module-attribute

REC_Chan_FXTrack = REC_Chan_First + 8

Event ID offset for channel target FX track.

REC_Chan_GateTime module-attribute

REC_Chan_GateTime = REC_Chan_First + 9

Event ID offset for channel gate time.

REC_Chan_Crossfade module-attribute

REC_Chan_Crossfade = REC_Chan_First + 10

Event ID offset for channel cross-fade.

REC_Chan_TimeOfs module-attribute

REC_Chan_TimeOfs = REC_Chan_First + 11

Event ID offset for channel time offset.

REC_Chan_SwingMix module-attribute

REC_Chan_SwingMix = REC_Chan_First + 12

Event ID offset for channel swing mix.

REC_Chan_SmpOfs module-attribute

REC_Chan_SmpOfs = REC_Chan_First + 13

Event ID offset for channel sample offset.

REC_Chan_StretchTime module-attribute

REC_Chan_StretchTime = REC_Chan_First + 14

Event ID offset for channel time stretch (time).

REC_Chan_OfsPan module-attribute

REC_Chan_OfsPan = REC_Chan_First + 16

Event ID offset for pan offset (in levels adjustment section of "Miscellaneous functions")

REC_Chan_OfsVol module-attribute

REC_Chan_OfsVol = REC_Chan_First + 17

Event ID offset for volume offset (in levels adjustment section of "Miscellaneous functions")

REC_Chan_OfsPitch module-attribute

REC_Chan_OfsPitch = REC_Chan_First + 18

Event ID offset for pitch offset (in levels adjustment section of "Miscellaneous functions").

REC_Chan_OfsFCut module-attribute

REC_Chan_OfsFCut = REC_Chan_First + 19

Event ID offset for modulation X offset (in levels adjustment section of "Miscellaneous functions").

REC_Chan_OfsFRes module-attribute

REC_Chan_OfsFRes = REC_Chan_First + 20

Event ID offset for modulation Y offset (in levels adjustment section of "Miscellaneous functions").

REC_Chan_Delay_First module-attribute

REC_Chan_Delay_First = REC_Chan_First + 512

Start of event IDs for channel built-in delay.

REC_Chan_Delay_Last module-attribute

REC_Chan_Delay_Last = REC_Chan_Delay_First + 256 - 1

End of event IDs for channel built-in delay.

REC_Chan_Delay_Time module-attribute

REC_Chan_Delay_Time = REC_Chan_Delay_First + 4

Delay time for channel built-in delay.

REC_Chan_Arp_First module-attribute

REC_Chan_Arp_First = REC_Chan_First + 768

Start of event IDs for channel built-in arpeggiator.

REC_Chan_Arp_Last module-attribute

REC_Chan_Arp_Last = REC_Chan_Arp_First + 256 - 1

End of event IDs for channel built-in arpeggiator.

REC_Chan_Arp_Chord module-attribute

REC_Chan_Arp_Chord = REC_Chan_Arp_First + 2

Chord type for channel built-in arpeggiator.

REC_Chan_Arp_Time module-attribute

REC_Chan_Arp_Time = REC_Chan_Arp_First + 3

Arpeggio time for channel built-in arpeggiator.

REC_Chan_Arp_Gate module-attribute

REC_Chan_Arp_Gate = REC_Chan_Arp_First + 4

Gate for channel built-in arpeggiator.

REC_Chan_Arp_Repeat module-attribute

REC_Chan_Arp_Repeat = REC_Chan_Arp_First + 5

Repeat option for channel built-in arpeggiator.