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Special properties

Special Rec event IDs, which facilitate remote control from external apps.

None of these appear to have any effect, so I am unsure how to use them.

REC_Reserved module-attribute

REC_Reserved = 2147483648

Reserved for future use.

REC_Special module-attribute

REC_Special = -1

End of special event IDs -- all special event IDs are < this value.

REC_StartStop module-attribute

REC_StartStop = REC_Special


  • 0 = stop
  • 1 = start

REC_SongPosition module-attribute

REC_SongPosition = REC_Special - 1

Get/set song position (in bars).

REC_SongLength module-attribute

REC_SongLength = REC_Special - 2

Get song length (in bars).

REC_LastTweakedFirst module-attribute

REC_LastTweakedFirst = -32

Last-tweaked parameter?

REC_LastTweakedLast module-attribute

REC_LastTweakedLast = REC_LastTweakedFirst + 1

Another last-tweaked parameter?

REC_Proj_First module-attribute

REC_Proj_First = REC_Special - 256

For the project browser.