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CC flags

These flags are almost entirely undocumented. I am not sure how they are used.

CC_Normal module-attribute

CC_Normal = 0

Standard CC.

CC_Special module-attribute

CC_Special = 128

Non-CC are mapped to CC after 128.

CC_PitchBend module-attribute

CC_PitchBend = 255

Pitch bend?

CC_KeyAfterTouch module-attribute

CC_KeyAfterTouch = 254

Key after-touch?

CC_ChanAfterTouch module-attribute

CC_ChanAfterTouch = 253

Channel after-touch?

CC_Note module-attribute

CC_Note = 256

When notes are linked to parameters.

CC_Free module-attribute

CC_Free = 256 + 128


CC_PLTrack module-attribute

CC_PLTrack = CC_Free

Playlist track XY control (performance mode).