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globalTransport commands

Global transport commands are given as an argument to transport.globalTransport().

These commands begin with FPT_.

FPT_Jog module-attribute

FPT_Jog = 0

Jog wheel, controlling selection.

FPT_Jog2 module-attribute

FPT_Jog2 = 1

Alternate jog wheel, moving items.

FPT_Strip module-attribute

FPT_Strip = 2

Touch-sensitive jog strip.

Value will be in range -midi.FromMIDI_Max to midi.FromMIDI_Max for leftmost to rightmost.

FPT_StripJog module-attribute

FPT_StripJog = 3

Touch-sensitive jog string in jog mode.

FPT_StripHold module-attribute

FPT_StripHold = 4

Value will be 0 for release, 1,2 for 1,2 fingers centered mode, -1,-2 for 1,2 fingers jog mode (will then send FPT_StripJog).

FPT_Previous module-attribute

FPT_Previous = 5

Previous button. Usually selects previous item.

FPT_Next module-attribute

FPT_Next = 6

Next button. Usually selects next item.

FPT_PreviousNext module-attribute

FPT_PreviousNext = 7

Jog, controlling track selection.

FPT_MoveJog module-attribute

FPT_MoveJog = 8

Jog, moving items.

FPT_Play module-attribute

FPT_Play = 10

Play/pause button.

FPT_Stop module-attribute

FPT_Stop = 11

Stop button.

FPT_Record module-attribute

FPT_Record = 12

Record button.

FPT_Rewind module-attribute

FPT_Rewind = 13

Rewind button.

Use midi.SS_Start to begin rewind, and midi.SS_Stop to stop rewind.

FPT_FastForward module-attribute

FPT_FastForward = 14

Fast-forward button.

Use midi.SS_Start to begin fast-forward, and midi.SS_Stop to stop fast-forward.

FPT_Loop module-attribute

FPT_Loop = 15

Change loop mode.

FPT_Mute module-attribute

FPT_Mute = 16

Mute button???

FPT_Mode module-attribute

FPT_Mode = 17

Generic/record mode???

FPT_Undo module-attribute

FPT_Undo = 20

Undo/redo button.

FPT_UndoUp module-attribute

FPT_UndoUp = 21

Move up in undo history.

FPT_UndoJog module-attribute

FPT_UndoJog = 22

Jog through undo history.

FPT_Punch module-attribute

FPT_Punch = 30

(hold) live selection.

FPT_PunchIn module-attribute

FPT_PunchIn = 31


FPT_PunchOut module-attribute

FPT_PunchOut = 32


FPT_AddMarker module-attribute

FPT_AddMarker = 33


FPT_AddAltMarker module-attribute

FPT_AddAltMarker = 34


FPT_MarkerJumpJog module-attribute

FPT_MarkerJumpJog = 35

Jump between markers.

FPT_MarkerSelJog module-attribute

FPT_MarkerSelJog = 36

Jump between markers, selecting their contents.

FPT_Up module-attribute

FPT_Up = 40

Navigate upwards (up arrow key).

FPT_Down module-attribute

FPT_Down = 41

Navigate downwards (down arrow key).

FPT_Left module-attribute

FPT_Left = 42

Navigate left (left arrow key).

FPT_Right module-attribute

FPT_Right = 43

Navigate right (right arrow key).

FPT_HZoomJog module-attribute

FPT_HZoomJog = 44

Change horizontal zoom level in active window, or modify font size in browser.

FPT_VZoomJog module-attribute

FPT_VZoomJog = 45

Change vertical zoom level in active window, or modify font size in browser.

FPT_Snap module-attribute

FPT_Snap = 48

Enable/disable snapping.

FPT_SnapMode module-attribute

FPT_SnapMode = 49

Control the snap mode.

FPT_Cut module-attribute

FPT_Cut = 50

Cut selection (like Ctrl+X).

FPT_Copy module-attribute

FPT_Copy = 51

Copy selection (like Ctrl+C).

FPT_Paste module-attribute

FPT_Paste = 52

Paste selection (like Ctrl+V).

FPT_Insert module-attribute

FPT_Insert = 53

Insert key.

FPT_Delete module-attribute

FPT_Delete = 54

Delete key.

FPT_NextWindow module-attribute

FPT_NextWindow = 58

Switch to next FL Studio window (like Tab key).

FPT_WindowJog module-attribute

FPT_WindowJog = 59

Window selection.

FPT_F1 module-attribute

FPT_F1 = 60

F1 key.

FPT_F2 module-attribute

FPT_F2 = 61

F2 key.

FPT_F3 module-attribute

FPT_F3 = 62

F3 key.

FPT_F4 module-attribute

FPT_F4 = 63

F4 key.

FPT_F5 module-attribute

FPT_F5 = 64

F5 key.

FPT_F6 module-attribute

FPT_F6 = 65

F6 key.

FPT_F7 module-attribute

FPT_F7 = 66

F7 key.

FPT_F8 module-attribute

FPT_F8 = 67

F8 key.

FPT_F9 module-attribute

FPT_F9 = 68

F9 key.

FPT_F10 module-attribute

FPT_F10 = 69

F10 key.

FPT_F11 module-attribute

FPT_F11 = 70

F11 key.

FPT_F12 module-attribute

FPT_F12 = 71

F12 key.

FPT_Enter module-attribute

FPT_Enter = 80

Enter key.

FPT_Escape module-attribute

FPT_Escape = 81

Escape key.

FPT_Yes module-attribute

FPT_Yes = 82

'y' key.

FPT_No module-attribute

FPT_No = 83

'n' key.

FPT_Menu module-attribute

FPT_Menu = 90

Open generic menu.

FPT_ItemMenu module-attribute

FPT_ItemMenu = 91

Open item edit/tool/context menu.

FPT_Save module-attribute

FPT_Save = 92

Save project.

FPT_SaveNew module-attribute

FPT_SaveNew = 93

Save new version of project.

FPT_PatternJog module-attribute

FPT_PatternJog = 100

Jog through pattern selection.

FPT_TrackJog module-attribute

FPT_TrackJog = 101

Jog through track selection.

FPT_ChannelJog module-attribute

FPT_ChannelJog = 102

Jog through channel selection.

FPT_TempoJog module-attribute

FPT_TempoJog = 105

Jog tempo control.

FPT_TapTempo module-attribute

FPT_TapTempo = 106

Tap tempo button.

FPT_NudgeMinus module-attribute

FPT_NudgeMinus = 107

Nudge tempo down.

FPT_NudgePlus module-attribute

FPT_NudgePlus = 108

Nudge tempo up.

FPT_Metronome module-attribute

FPT_Metronome = 110

Enable/disable metronome.

FPT_WaitForInput module-attribute

FPT_WaitForInput = 111

Wait for input to start playing.

FPT_Overdub module-attribute

FPT_Overdub = 112

Enable/disable overdub recording.

FPT_LoopRecord module-attribute

FPT_LoopRecord = 113

Enable/disable loop recording.

FPT_StepEdit module-attribute

FPT_StepEdit = 114

Enable/disable step edit mode.

FPT_CountDown module-attribute

FPT_CountDown = 115

Enable/disable count-down before recording.

FPT_NextMixerWindow module-attribute

FPT_NextMixerWindow = 120

Tab between windows of FX plugins in the current mixer track.

FPT_MixerWindowJog module-attribute

FPT_MixerWindowJog = 121

Jog through windows of FX plugins in the current mixer track.

FPT_ShuffleJog module-attribute

FPT_ShuffleJog = 122

Control main swing.

FPT_ArrangementJog module-attribute

FPT_ArrangementJog = 123

Jog through arrangements?