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Mixer setTrackNumber flags

These flags are used to control the mixer window's behavior when selecting a track using mixer.setTrackNumber().

import mixer
import midi

# Select track 50 and scroll to make it visible
mixer.setTrackNumber(50, midi.curfxScrollToMakeVisible)

These constants can be combined using a bitwise or to specify multiple flags simultaneously.

# Select track 100, scrolling to make it visible, and not deselecting other
# tracks
    midi.curfxScrollToMakeVisible | midi.curfxNoDeselectAll,

curfxScrollToMakeVisible module-attribute

curfxScrollToMakeVisible = 1

Scroll within the mixer such that the newly selected track becomes visible.

StartcurfxCancelSmoothing module-attribute

StartcurfxCancelSmoothing = 1 << 1

Cancel smoothing.

curfxNoDeselectAll module-attribute

curfxNoDeselectAll = 1 << 2

Don't deselect all tracks before selecting this track.

This doesn't appear to work correctly.

curfxMinimalLatencyUpdate module-attribute

curfxMinimalLatencyUpdate = 1 << 3