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Mixer solo flags

These flags can be used alongside mixer.soloTrack() to control the solo state of tracks.

These flags can be combined using bitwise operations.

import mixer, midi

# Solo track one, keeping both source and destination tracks enabled.
mixer.soloTrack(1, midi.fxSoloModeWithSourceTracks | fxSoloModeWithDestTracks)

fxSoloModeWithSourceTracks module-attribute

fxSoloModeWithSourceTracks = 1

Solo mixer track, including source tracks routed to it.

fxSoloModeWithDestTracks module-attribute

fxSoloModeWithDestTracks = 1 << 1

Solo mixer track, including send tracks that it is routed to.

fxSoloModeIgnorePrevious module-attribute

fxSoloModeIgnorePrevious = 1 << 2

Solo only this track, muting all other tracks.