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OnRefresh flags

On refresh flags are passed to the OnRefresh callback in order to indicate what parts of the controller may need to be refreshed.

By checking these flags, controllers can avoid needlessly updating unchanged parts of their UIs, thus improving performance.

import midi

def OnRefresh(flags: int):
    if flags & midi.HW_Dirty_Mixer_Sel:
    if flags & midi.HW_Dirty_LEDs:
    # etc

HW_Dirty_Mixer_Sel module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Mixer_Sel = 1

Selected tracks on the mixer have changed.

HW_Dirty_Mixer_Display module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Mixer_Display = 2

Mixer display has changed.

HW_Dirty_Mixer_Controls module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Mixer_Controls = 4

Controls on the mixer have changed.

HW_Dirty_RemoteLinks = 16

Remote (linked) controls have been added, removed or modified. Note that changes to values associated with a remote control will instead give a midi.HW_Dirty_RemoteLinkValues event.

HW_Dirty_FocusedWindow module-attribute

HW_Dirty_FocusedWindow = 32

Selected channel has changed.

HW_Dirty_Performance module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Performance = 64

Performance mode layout (not playing state) has changed.

HW_Dirty_LEDs module-attribute

HW_Dirty_LEDs = 256

Indicates various possible changes in FL Studio which require update of controller LEDs (play/stop/record/active window/.....).

HW_Dirty_RemoteLinkValues module-attribute

HW_Dirty_RemoteLinkValues = 512

Value of remote (linked) control has changed. Note that creation, deletion or modification of remote control mappings will instead give a midi.HW_Dirty_RemoteLinks event.

HW_Dirty_Patterns module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Patterns = 1024

Changes to patterns or pattern selection.

HW_Dirty_Tracks module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Tracks = 2048

Changes to mixer tracks?

HW_Dirty_ControlValues module-attribute

HW_Dirty_ControlValues = 4096

Changes to plugin control values.

HW_Dirty_Colors module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Colors = 8192

Changes to plugin colors.

HW_Dirty_Names module-attribute

HW_Dirty_Names = 16384

Plugin names have changed.

HW_Dirty_ChannelRackGroup module-attribute

HW_Dirty_ChannelRackGroup = 32768

Channel rack groups have changed.

HW_ChannelEvent module-attribute

HW_ChannelEvent = 65536

Channel changes?