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Step params

Step parameters are parameters for events within the step sequencer.

They can be controlled using channels.getCurrentStepParam(), channels.setStepParameterByIndex(), and other similar functions in the channels module.

import channels, midi

    2,  # third channel
    patterns.patternNumber(),  # current pattern
    0,  # first step
    midi.pPan,  # set panning
    128,  # 100% right

pPitch module-attribute

pPitch = 0

Step note pitch.

This is represented as a MIDI note, with the default value being middle C (60, midi.MiddleNote_Default).

pVelocity module-attribute

pVelocity = 1

Step velocity.

This is represented as a MIDI velocity (event.data2 in note-on FlMidiMsg objects), with the default value being 100.

pRelease module-attribute

pRelease = 2

Step release.

This is represented as a MIDI release value (event.data2 in note-off FlMidiMsg objects), with the default value being 64.

pFinePitch module-attribute

pFinePitch = 3

Step fine pitch.

This value uses a range of 0 (-1200 cents) to 240 (+1200 cents). The default value is 120 (0 cents).

pPan module-attribute

pPan = 4

Step panning.

This value uses a range of 0 (100% left) to 128 (100% right). The default value being 64 (centred).

pModX module-attribute

pModX = 5

Mod-x value.

pModY module-attribute

pModY = 6

Mod-y value.

pShift module-attribute

pShift = 7

Note shift value.

This represents the amount to shift the note from the standard timing. The value is measured in ticks, meaning that the number of available values depends on the project's PPQ setting, which can be calculated using general.getRecPPQ() divided by 4 (the number of steps per beat).