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Window indexes

Window indexes are used by many window-related functions within the FL Studio API to refer to FL Studio's primary windows.

These constants all begin with the wid prefix.

import ui
import midi

if ui.getFocused(midi.widMixer):
    print("Mixer window is open")
    print("Opened the channel rack window")

widMixer module-attribute

widMixer = 0

Mixer window.

widChannelRack module-attribute

widChannelRack = 1

Channel rack window.

widPlaylist module-attribute

widPlaylist = 2

Playlist window.

widPianoRoll module-attribute

widPianoRoll = 3

Piano roll window.

widBrowser module-attribute

widBrowser = 4

Content browser window.

widPluginEffect module-attribute

widPluginEffect = 6

Effect plugin window. This index is returned by ui.getFocused() if any effect plugin is focused.

Note that this cannot be used for activating windows. To activate an effect plugin window, use mixer.focusEditor().

widPluginGenerator module-attribute

widPluginGenerator = 7

Generator (instrument) plugin window. This index is returned by ui.getFocused() if any generator plugin is focused.

Note that this cannot be used for activating windows. To activate a generator plugin window, use channels.focusEditor().