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FL Studio built-in module.

Handles the way that scripts communicate with and control FL Studio plugins, including 3rd-party VST/AU plugins. The module allows scripts to get and set parameter values for plugins on the mixer and the channel rack.

Working with indexes

Almost all of the functions in this module accept an index and a slotIndex parameter, which are used to determine which plugin to interact with.

  • index either refers to the index of the plugin on the channel rack, or the index of the mixer track containing the plugin on the mixer. Note that the grouped index is used, rather than a global index on the channel rack.

  • slotIndex refers the the mixer slot of the plugin if it is on the mixer. Leave this parameter unset, or set it to -1 if the plugin is on the channel rack.

Tuple packing and unpacking can be used to simplify this process if your script uses these variables a lot.

# A plugin on channel 42
index1 = (42,)
# A plugin on mixer track 12, in slot 5
index2 = (12, 5)

# If you use the unary `*` operator, the tuple is unpacked to take up multiple
# arguments. Both of these function calls work correctly.

Note that this may be unreliable if you are also specifying useGlobalIndex.

Interacting with VST plugins

VST plugins can behave somewhat unintuitively as a result of the system that FL Studio uses for parameter mapping. In the VST specification, all VSTs have 4096 parameters available to use, but aren't required to use all of them. Unused parameters are hidden in FL Studio's UI, but they are accessible through the API - their returned names will be an empty string. However, there are actually 144 more parameters available. These are the 128 CC parameters from indexes 4096-4223 and the 16 channel after-touch parameters from indexes 4224-4239.

Module added in API version 8.


isValid(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> bool

Returns whether there is a valid plugin at index/slotIndex.


  • Audio samples are not considered to be plugins in FL Studio.


  • index (int): index on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • bool: whether there is a valid plugin at index.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getPluginName(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, userName: bool = False, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> str

Returns the name of the plugin at index/slotIndex. This returns the original plugin name ifuserNameisFalse`, otherwise the name of the plugin as set by the user.


  • index (int): index on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • userName (bool, optional): whether to return the user's name for the plugin (True), or the default name for the plugin (False). Defaults to False.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • str: plugin name.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v12: add userName flag.

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getParamCount(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns the number of parameters that a plugin has.


  • VST plugins are listed as having 4240 parameters, but not all of these are necessarily used by the plugin. The first 4096 are for parameters, then the next 128 are used for MIDI CC sends 0 to 127. The final 16 are used for after-touch on each MIDI channel.


  • index (int): index on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • int: number of parameters.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getParamName(paramIndex: int, index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> str

Returns the name of the parameter at paramIndex for the plugin at index/slotIndex.


  • paramIndex (int): index of parameter.

  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • str: name of parameter.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getParamValue(paramIndex: int, index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> float

Returns the value of the parameter at paramIndex for the plugin at index/slotIndex.


  • paramIndex (int): index of parameter.

  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • float: parameter value, between 0.0 and 1.0.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


setParamValue(value: float, paramIndex: int, index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, pickupMode: int = 0, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Sets the value of the parameter at paramIndex for the plugin at index/slotIndex.


  • value (float): new value of parameter (between 0.0 and 1.0).

  • paramIndex (int): index of parameter.

  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • pickupMode (int, optional): pickup mode to use:

    • 0: do not use pickup.
    • 1: always use pickup.
    • 2: use pickup if FL Studio is configured to do so.
  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getParamValueString(paramIndex: int, index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, pickupMode: int = midi.PIM_None, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> str

Returns a string value of the parameter at paramIndex for the plugin at index/slotIndex. This function is only supported by some FL Studio plugins.


  • What plugins does this support?


  • paramIndex (int): index of parameter.

  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • str: string parameter value.

Included since API version 8.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getColor(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, flag: int = midi.GC_BackgroundColor, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns various plugin color parameter values for the plugin at index/slotIndex.

Note that colors can be split into or built from components using the functions provided in the utils module.


  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • flag (int, optional): color type to return:

    • GC_BackgroundColor (0, default): The darkest background color of the plugin.

    • GC_Semitone (1): Retrieves semitone color (in FPC, returns color of drum pads).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • int: color (0x--BBGGRR).

Included since API version 12.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getName(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, flag: int = midi.FPN_Param, paramIndex: int = 0, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> str

Returns various names for parts of plugins for the plugin at index/slotIndex.


  • Explanation of flag values from 3 onwards, excluding 6.

  • @overload decorations of this function that match its optional parameter requirements. I couldn't figure it out.


  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • flag (int, optional): name type to return. Names marked with a * require the paramIndex parameter in order to work correctly.

    • FPN_Param (0, default) * : Name of plugin parameter.

      • Eg: "Expression"
    • FPN_ParamValue (1) * : Text value of plugin parameter.

      • Eg: "62%"
    • FPN_Semitone (2) * : Name of note as defined by plugin.

      • paramIndex should be the note number (eg 60 for middle C)

      • If note names aren't defined by the plugin, an empty string is given.

      • Eg: "Kick"

    • FPN_Patch (3): Name of the patch defined by plugin?

    • FPN_VoiceLevel (4) * : Name of per-voice parameter defined by plugin.

    • FPN_VoiceLevelHint (5) * : Hint for per-voice parameter defined by plugin.

    • FPN_Preset (6) * : For plugins that support internal presets, the name of the preset at paramIndex.

      • Eg: "Dystopian lead"
    • FPN_OutCtrl (7): For plugins that output controllers, the name of the output controller?

    • FPN_VoiceColor (8): Name of per-voice color

      • paramIndex as MIDI channel?
    • FPN_VoiceColor (9): For plugins that output voices, the name of output voice

      • paramIndex as voice number?
  • paramIndex (int, optional): index required by requested flag (if necessary).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • str: name of requested parameter.

Included since API version 13.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getPadInfo(chanIndex: int, slotIndex: int = -1, paramOption: int = 0, paramIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns info about drum pads.

Currently only supported by FPC.


  • chanIndex (int): channel of plugin to check.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): slot of mixer track plugin. Defaults to -1.

  • paramOption (int, optional): type of query:

    • 0: number of pads.

    • 1: semitone number of pad (use paramIndex).

    • 2: color of pad as 0xBBGGRR (use paramIndex).

  • paramIndex (int, optional): drum pad number (0-indexed).

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.


  • int: number of drum pads, or

  • int: note number of pad, or

  • int: color of pad.

Included since API Version 19.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


getPresetCount(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> int

Returns the number of presets available for the selected plugin.


  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.

Included since API version 15.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


nextPreset(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Navigate to the next preset for plugin at index/slotIndex.


  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.

Included since API version 10.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.


prevPreset(index: int, slotIndex: int = -1, useGlobalIndex: bool = False) -> None

Navigate to the previous preset for plugin at index/slotIndex.


  • index (int): index of plugin on channel rack or mixer.

  • slotIndex (int, optional): mixer slot if on mixer. Defaults to -1.

  • useGlobalIndex (bool, optional): whether to use global channel indexes when modifying plugins on the channel rack. Defaults to False.

Included since API version 10.

API Changes

  • v26: add useGlobalIndex flag.