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FL Studio built-in module.

Helper functions for controlling the screen of the AKAI FL Studio Fire MIDI controller.

These likely aren't useful for most scripts, but if you're writing a script for the Fire they might be handy.


These functions are undocumented. If you know how they work, I'd massively appreciate a pull request with improvements to the type safety and documentation.


init(display_width: int, display_height: int, text_row_height: int, font_size: int, value_a: int, value_b: int) -> None

Initialize the screen of the AKAI Fire

This should be called before using any of the other functions in the screen module. After calling it, the screen.setup function should be called to allow the screen to be used.


  • display_width (int): width of the display in pixels

  • display_height (int): height of the display in pixels

  • text_row_height (int): height of a text row (in what units?)

  • font_size (int): font size to use (in what units?)

  • value_a (int): unknown

  • value_b (int): unknown

Included since API Version 1


deInit() -> None

De-initialize the screen of the AKAI Fire

This should be called before the script closes.

Included since API Version 1


setup(sysex_header: int, screen_active_timeout: int, screen_auto_timeout: int, text_scroll_pause: int, text_scroll_speed: int, text_display_time: int) -> None

Set up the AKAI Fire screen.

This should be called after screen.init in order to perform more setup


  • sysex_header (int): header for sysex message for device

  • screen_active_timeout (int): unknown

  • screen_auto_timeout (int): unknown

  • text_scroll_pause (int): unknown

  • text_scroll_speed (int): unknown

  • text_display_time (int): unknown

Included since API Version 1


update() -> None

Notify the Fire that it should update its screen contents

This should be called after performing updates to the device's screen.

Included since API Version 1


addTextLine(text: str, line: int) -> None

Add text to a line on the screen?


  • text (str): text to add

  • line (int): line on the screen

Included since API Version 1


fillRect(start_x: int, start_y: int, end_x: int, end_y: int, value: int) -> None

Draw a filled rectangle to the given position on the screen.

It is drawn from the start values up to (but not including) the end values.


  • start_x (int): starting horizontal position

  • start_y (int): starting vertical position

  • end_x (int): ending horizontal position

  • end_y (int): ending vertical position

  • value (int): unknown, maybe color?

Included since API Version 1